Time commitment: 1-½ hr. monthly meeting, in addition to support for specific funerals
Meeting times: 2nd Wednesday, 4:30 p.m.
This ministry provides an opportunity to help parishioners at the time of death of a loved one.
The ministry involves meeting with the family of the deceased and assisting with the planning of the funeral. It involves two members of the Bereavement Ministry working 6-8 hours with the family to plan meaningful funeral liturgies and being available at the actual funeral Mass.
Listening is the key skill as ministers help families select readings, music and other elements of the funeral liturgy. Bereavement members also assist in a variety of ways at funeral liturgies. Some members follow-up with those grieving through phone calls and timely support letters.
This ministry often involves time during the day. There are training sessions available; ministers are well trained to act as representatives of the parish to the bereaved.